Saturday 30 March 2013

Sixth day of the holidays

Haven't got much to say about today other than it was totally crap.
On a lighter note I can eat chocolate and sweets tomorrow. Happy Easter.

Friday 29 March 2013

Fifth day of the holidays

Today was a good day. Probably the best of the holidays so far.
I took the train to Belfast with my friends and we had a great day shopping. They all had to get their clothes for the Bastille concert next week but being the overly prepared girl I am, I purchased mine last month. I picked up a few cute items including an atlas style watch and a phone/purse clutch from Urban Outfitters, an orange skater skirt and white long-sleeved crop top from Topshop and a cute t-shirt from H&M. We also went on a couple of trips to the most amazing coffee house ever aka Starbucks where I got a tall skinny vanilla latte the first time and a tall skinny hazelnut latte the second time. They were devine.
I arrived home to coconut iced fingers and shortbread my dad had bought in the adorable home bakery close to his work. Aw so sweet.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Fourth day of the holidays

Today was fun. Cold. But fun.
Catching up with old friends is always super sweet. I went for lunch with my friend Kerry from primary school. We've known each other forever but barely see each other any more because we go to different high schools and so always have loads to chat about and catch up on. It was a good day! I've missed her lots. It got me thinking about my childhood and made me feel quite melancholy because those were the happiest times in my life and I'd do anything to go back. Oh well. Tomorrow will be fun too. I'm going to do some clothes shopping in the big city with my friends from school who I haven't seen since last Thursday. Need a catch up with them!! They have to buy their outfits for the Bastille concert next week. I got mine months ago. Hopefully a cheeky Starbucks in store.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Third day of the holidays

Today I did nothing. No joke. I went out no where. Apart from to pay my neighbours telephone bill. Basically my dad consisted of homework, Facebook, Snapchat, reading "The Sky is Everywhere" by Jandy Nelson, eating, working out and watching TV. The best movie ever was on: Grease.
But my day isn't important because today was the day my friend went on her first date with this guy in our year. They are the cutest couple ever! It's unreal. She's such a hotty, it's not fair. I'm so jealous of her. But the guy isn't normally the type of guy who gets 'the hot girl'. Not in a mean way, he's a really nice guy but you know what I mean. Anyway, it's really cute because they genuinely like each other and they're so adorable together!! I could go on forever but I won't! Anyway, see you tomorrow!

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Second day of the holidays

I'm glad to say that today was a whole load better than yesterday! I went sledging with Sara and her sister Rachel, Emily, Alex and Victoria. When I went to Sara's house her hot older brother answered the door. No, it's not just me who thinks he's hot. Most of our year do too and the year above, below and so on. Today was fun! It's five days until I can eat chocolate now!!

Monday 25 March 2013

home alone

How was your day?
Compared to mine it was probably pretty good. I'm on my Easter break and have done literally nothing because of the snow. Weather over here is really messed up. Basically I woke up and did my ironing and that was it. My dad is at work every day this week and so I'm stuck at home. Alone. I did have GB but I don't know what was wrong. I just felt really disconnected, like my friends didn't really want me to be there. I don't know.

Sunday 24 March 2013

almost a year

I'm not a very loyal blogger as you can probably tell.

I'm very sorry for not posting anything for almost a year but I completely forgot about this until tonight!
The past year has been a pretty good one. I had the best summer of my life, I've made lots of new friends and had some amazing experiences along the way. 

So I'm off on my Easter holidays again and it's snowing. What? How does this make sense? It's supposed to be the start of spring, not the middle of winter. Nonetheless I've decided to make the most of this horrific weather. 

This year (2013) has been off to a cracking start. I went to a New Years party at Exodus, which is a Christian youth club kind of thing, with all of my friends. It was the best New Year ever.

In February, I went to Dublin with Sara and Ellen to see Justin Bieber. I just want to state that it was the best day of my life. Cody Simpson was the supporting act. It made the night that tiny bit better. I cried.

At the beginning of March, I went to see One Direction with Hayley, Ellen and Sara. Even though One Direction aren't my favourite group I still had a good night! Their supporting act '5 Seconds of Summer' was superb.

In two weeks time I'm going to see Bastille.

I haven't eaten one bite of chocolate or any sweets since the 12th February. No, I'm not on some crazy diet. I've been off them for lent which ends on Easter Sunday. Exactly a week from today. My excitement is overwhelming.

I hope this post has made up for my MIA this past year. Hopefully I will get back into blogging. 

By the way, check out my Instagram: sianmcquillan
I use it regularly and post around three photos a day on most days.
