Sunday 24 March 2013

almost a year

I'm not a very loyal blogger as you can probably tell.

I'm very sorry for not posting anything for almost a year but I completely forgot about this until tonight!
The past year has been a pretty good one. I had the best summer of my life, I've made lots of new friends and had some amazing experiences along the way. 

So I'm off on my Easter holidays again and it's snowing. What? How does this make sense? It's supposed to be the start of spring, not the middle of winter. Nonetheless I've decided to make the most of this horrific weather. 

This year (2013) has been off to a cracking start. I went to a New Years party at Exodus, which is a Christian youth club kind of thing, with all of my friends. It was the best New Year ever.

In February, I went to Dublin with Sara and Ellen to see Justin Bieber. I just want to state that it was the best day of my life. Cody Simpson was the supporting act. It made the night that tiny bit better. I cried.

At the beginning of March, I went to see One Direction with Hayley, Ellen and Sara. Even though One Direction aren't my favourite group I still had a good night! Their supporting act '5 Seconds of Summer' was superb.

In two weeks time I'm going to see Bastille.

I haven't eaten one bite of chocolate or any sweets since the 12th February. No, I'm not on some crazy diet. I've been off them for lent which ends on Easter Sunday. Exactly a week from today. My excitement is overwhelming.

I hope this post has made up for my MIA this past year. Hopefully I will get back into blogging. 

By the way, check out my Instagram: sianmcquillan
I use it regularly and post around three photos a day on most days.


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